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Deploy Python Bots

Use your Python scripts to create bots and deploy them in the cloud. Bots have built-in data storage support so you don't have to manage a database.

Bot page on BotFleet.


Data Storage

Every bot has access to store, which is a free key-value database.

Scheduled & Manual Executions

A bot can either be scheduled for execution at specific times or executed manually via the UI, REST API and Python SDK.


You can use BotFleet's REST API and Python SDK for tasks like creating and executing bots.

Deploy a Demo Bot

A bot consists of three key components: script, requirements, and environment variables.

Environment variables:


How much does the service cost?

Your account balance represents bot execution time instead of dollars. The least amount of time you can purchase is 1 hour for $1.00. The more time you purchase, the cheaper it gets. When you sign up, you get 10 minutes of free execution time to try out the service.

What happens to my bots if my balance reaches zero or becomes negative?

Don't worry, your bots will continue to run. You will receive an email notification to top up your balance. If you don't top up your balance, after a certain grace period, your scheduled bots will be paused and you won't be able to manually execute them either.

Ready To Deploy Your First Bot?